Welcome to our online open house. We thank you for your participation. MnDOT needs your help in planning for the future of Highway 210/Washington St. through Brainerd.
Today you will learn more about the project, what we heard from community members during our last phase of engagement, and also have the opportunity to explore our interactive map to see the proposed solutions for each segments.
This online open house is an opportunity to learn more about the project and explore the map at your own pace and convenience. You can explore and comment on one segment or all segments. We look forward to hearing your feedback about the proposed solutions for the area.
How to begin: After clicking on the “get started” button below, you can start by clicking on the blue colored boxes along the bottom to learn more about the project or if you would like to jump right into the proposed solutions, you can start by clicking the colored lines on the main map screen to learn more about each segment.
Navigating the map: Click on the colored lines on the main map to learn more about each segment, proposed solutions and provide your feedback. You can use the large “X” in the top left corner of the screen to close out of the segment and return to the main map to explore more.
Providing feedback: Review the information for each segment and complete the comment form at the bottom to tell us what you think about the proposed solutions. Hit the “submit” button to confirm that your comment is sent to the project team. Then click the large “X” in the top right corner to close out and continue exploring the map.
For best results, use Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browsers to view the map.Let’s start by getting to know you a little better! Please take a minute to answer the following survey questions to help us understand how you use this stretch of Highway 210/Washington St. in Brainerd.
Get StartedThis area has congestion and safety issues that need to be addressed to keep the community moving. We know that backups occur at the NW 4th St./Washington St. intersection that impact vehicles turning at NW 3rd St. and NW 5th St. from Highway 210/Washington St.
We also observed that the striping currently installed to keep vehicles from making left turns at cross-streets is not as effective as other potential safety methods.
Our team is proposing some changes to help with the safety and traffic flow issues identified above. Take a look at the initial designs we developed for this area and tell us what you think.
Add a second left turn lane from northbound NW 4th St. to westbound Highway 210/Washington St.
Add center medians on Highway 210/Washington St. at NW 3rd Ave. and NW 5th Ave. creating right-in/right-out only intersections. This will help reduce backups and congestion caused by left-turning vehicles from Highway 210/Washington St. to side streets in the area.
Click on image to enlarge.
To improve safety, MnDOT is proposing to add raised medians at each of the intersecting side streets to limit traffic to right turns only. The raised medians will replace the existing pavement striping that’s out there today.
The designs shown below include images of what’s out there today, along with our ideas for safety and traffic improvements to better accommodate drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. This segment was reconstructed in 2001 so there’s less work being proposed in this area compared to the other segments.
Click on image to enlarge.
The Mississippi River crossing is an essential crossing for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists. We know that there are narrow sidewalks on both sides of the bridge that make it difficult for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely cross the bridge.
MnDOT is proposing a 10-foot sidewalk on both sides of the bridge to address this issue. The image below shows the top down view of what this would look like.
Click on image to enlarge.
The designs shown below include images of what’s out there today, along with our ideas for safety and traffic improvements to better accommodate drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Click on image to enlarge.
This segment of the project area extends through downtown Brainerd and has congestion and safety issues for all users of this area. There is also on-street parking allowed on the northside of Highway 210/Washington St.. We know there are several key issues that need to be addressed, including:
After observing this area and hearing from community members, our team developed potential solutions to help address these issues:
The concept shown below will help with safety and access at the Chippewa St./Dairy Queen intersection. Removing the eastbound left turn lane allows for more room for wider sidewalks on the bridge.
Click on image to enlarge.
Based on priorities identified in the detailed traffic analysis, MnDOT is proposing to add eastbound right turn lanes at the following intersections:
On-street parking is currently allowed along the north side of Highway 210/Washington St. We heard from community members during our online survey that on-street parking is not a top priority for this area. After hearing this feedback and identifying other safety concerns in this area, we are proposing to remove on-street parking because of the heavy traffic volume and the availability of on-street parking on the side streets and/or on site.
Click on the red, black, and light blue lines on the main map screen to see how parking may change.
The designs shown below include images of what’s out there today, along with our ideas for safety and traffic improvements to better accommodate drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Click on image to enlarge.
This segment extends east from Kingwood St. to 10th Ave. and is a mix of commercial land uses to the north and rail operations and open space to the south. We know there are several key issues that need to be addressed, including:
After observing this area and hearing from community members, our team developed several ideas for addressing congestion and safety issues and accommodating an extension of the Cuyuna State Trail. Take a look at the three different concepts below for this area and tell us what you think about each one.
This concept is similar to the existing intersection out there today, however it improves traffic flow at Highway 210/Washington St. and 8th Ave./Highway 25. It also improves safety by removing some turning options at the mall entrance off of 8th Ave. and at 10th Ave. Concept 1 provides improved traffic operations compared to the existing conditions but does not provide the benefits of Concepts 2 or 3. View a video clip illustrating traffic flow with Concept 1.
Reconstruct Highway 25 for better traffic flow
Modify 10th Ave. intersection to prevent cross-over traffic and vehicles turning left onto Highway 210/Washington St.
Remove access to Highway 25
New trail on west side of Highway 25
Relocate traffic signal from 4th Ave. to 5th Ave.
Modify Mall driveway to allow only right-in and right-out turns for Mall traffic.
Click on image to enlarge.
Converting the existing traffic signal at 8th Ave. to a roundabout as well as removing the traffic signal at 4th Ave. provides significant safety and traffic flow benefits. This concept also adds access from eastbound Highway 210/Washington St. to the mall. Similar to the other two concepts, this concept removes turning options at the mall entrance off of 8th Ave. and at 10th Ave. Concept 2 provides better operations than Concept 1 but not as favorable as Concept 3. View a video clip illustrating traffic flow with Concept 2.
New roundabout at the intersection
Modify 10th Ave. intersection to prevent cross-over traffic and vehicles turning left onto Highway 210/Washington St.
Remove access to Highway 25
New trail on west side of Highway 25
Add eastbound left turn lane from Highway 210/Washington St. to the main mall entrance
Remove traffic signal at 4th Ave.
Modify Mall driveway to allow only right-in and right-out turns for Mall traffic
Click on image to enlarge.
This concept provides the most significant changes from what’s out there today, including shifting the Highway 25 connection to Highway 210/Washington St. approximately 1,000 feet west. The two roundabouts provide the most substantial traffic flow and safety benefits of the three alternatives. Similar to concept 2, the traffic signal at 4th Ave. would be removed and access for eastbound Highway 210/Washington St. traffic to the mall would be provided. Similar to the other two concepts, this concept removes turning options at the mall entrance off of 8th Ave. and at 10th Ave. Concept 3 provides the best traffic operations of the three concepts. View a video clip illustrating traffic flow with Concept 3.
Two new roundabouts
Modify 10th Ave. intersection to prevent cross-over traffic and vehicles turning left onto Highway 210/Washington St.
Remove connection between Highway 210/Washington St. and Highway 25 but retain access to area businesses via Highway 25.
Add eastbound left turn lane from Highway 210/Washington St. to the main mall entrance
Remove access to Highway 25
Remove traffic signal at 4th Ave.
Modify Mall driveway to allow only right-in and right-out turns for Mall traffic
Click on image to enlarge.
On-street parking is currently allowed along the north side of Highway 210/Washington St. We are proposing to remove this on-street parking because of the heavy traffic levels and the availability of on-street parking on the side streets.
Click on the red, black, and light blue lines on the main map screen to see how parking may change.
The designs shown below include images of what’s out there today, along with our ideas for safety and traffic improvements to better accommodate drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Click on image to enlarge.
This segment extends through a mix of residential, commercial, and open space land uses. This area includes a continuous raised center median with openings for access at cross-streets and all private driveways. Similar to the West Segment, this section of road is relatively new so that’s why there’s less work being proposed.
The design below reflects what’s out there today. No changes are proposed beyond the planned mill and overlay to improve pavement conditions.
Click on image to enlarge.
MnDOT, the City of Brainerd and Crow Wing County need your help in planning the future Highway 210/Washington St. through Brainerd. In 2025 or beyond, we will begin to upgrade both directions of Highway 210/Washington St. between Baxter Dr. and Pine Shores Rd. At the same time, we’re also planning to make access, safety and other improvements in the area during the planned construction.
Click on image to enlarge.
The results from this study will guide our vision for this area that addresses the community’s needs and issues.
Learn from the Brainerd Lakes area community about issues, needs and use of Highway 210/Washington St.
Identify preferred roadway improvements that have community buy-in and are within budget.
Inform residents, businesses and visitors about future construction plans.
Click on image to enlarge.
The project team conducted an online survey from Nov. 12 through Dec. 12, 2020 for the Brainerd Lakes community that included a series of standard questions about use and perspectives related to Highway 210/Washington St. and an online comment map. It was distributed via press release, social media, project website, emails to key organizations and word of mouth.
It’s important to understand your issues and concerns regarding Highway 210/Washington St. and get your thoughts on the initial design concepts presented during this online open house. Now is the right time to help MnDOT better understand the key issues and think through possible improvement options.
Please pass along the link to this virtual open house to your family, friends and coworkers that use this stretch of Highway 210/Washington St.
If you haven’t already, click on the colored lines on the map to view proposed solutions for each segment and provide your input!
Submit a general comment or question for the project team.
For more information about the project, and to sign up to receive occasional email updates, please visit: mndot.gov/d3/projects/brainerd
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