I-15 Inkom Corridor Online Meeting

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Thank you for your interest in the I-15 Inkom Corridor Online Meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide information and gather input on five proposed projects on I-15 in Inkom. ITD is combining the projects into a corridor-wide improvement to minimize impacts to the public during construction.

This meeting will remain available through September 22, 2020.

Interstate 15 through the City of Inkom, Idaho.

How to navigate this meeting

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Please provide feedback where indicated, or provide a comment at any time by clicking the “Comment” button at the top right of the screen.

Project Background

ITD is proposing to improve I-15 by constructing five projects near Inkom.

Those projects are:

1Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Bridge Replacement

2Main St. Bridge Replacement

3Inkom Interchange (West and East)

4Inkom Pavement Improvement

5Business Loop (Old Highway 30) Rapid Creek Bridge Replacement

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Map of proposed project locations in and around Inkom, Idaho

Constructing the projects together over a 2 year period will minimize overall impacts to the traveling public and allow ITD and the contractor to save time and money.

Project Overview

Public involvement is important to ITD as it moves through the design process on these Inkom projects.

Construction in the corridor is anticipated to begin in 2025.

Refer to the following video to review all planned corridor improvements.

Inkom UPRR Bridge Replacement Overview

The bridges over Old Highway 91 and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) are aging and nearing the end of their design life. The new bridge will provide the required height clearances from UPRR’s existing and future tracks.

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View underneath aging bridge over Union Pacific Railroad tracks.

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Proposed I-15 Typical Cross sections for Southbound and Northbound bridges. Southbound Bridge includes: 12 foot outside shoulder; two, twelve-foot lanes; 8 foot inside shoulder; and a two percent incline. Northbound Bridge includes: 8 foot inside shoulder; two, twelve-foot lanes; 12 foot outside shoulder and a two percent incline.

Main St. Bridge Replacement Overview

The bridges over Main St. are aging and nearing the end of their design life. They have required recent rehabilitation to address deterioration. The clearance under the bridges needs to be increased to meet ITD standards.

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Existing aging bridge over Main Street.

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Cross section of Main Street crossing under Interstate 15 Bridge. Increased clearance of I-15 bridge to 17 feet. Main Street lane and sidewalk typicals: 5 foot sidewalk, curb separating sidewalk and bike lane, 5 foot bike lane and 12 foot travel lane in both directions.

Inkom West/East Interchange Overview

The Inkom interchange is what’s commonly referred to as a split interchange with on and off ramps at the west and east end of Inkom functioning as a single interchange.

The structures are aging and need to be replaced within the next 10 years. Rather than replacing the split interchange as is – ITD is considering reconfiguring it by adding an off-ramp for the northbound lanes near Sorrelle Rd. and removing the off-ramp for the northbound lanes at the south end of the interchange.

The Business Loop would still function and would remain in place.

With the removal of the off-ramp, the overhead bridges would no longer be required, and would be removed and replaced with earth fill. This would eliminate bridge replacement costs from this project and eliminate future bridge maintenance costs.

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Map of proposed changes to Interstate 15 at Inkom west and east interchanges.

Inkom Pavement Improvement Overview

This project will replace the asphalt starting at the Portneuf interchange and extending 6 miles east to the Portneuf River Bridges. The goal is to replace any pavement that is not upgraded as part of the other improvement projects.

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Map of proposed Interstate 15 pavement improvement projects

Business Loop Rapid Creek Bridge Replacement Overview

This project will replace the Rapid Creek bridge on the I-15 Business Loop between Commercial St. and Main St. The proposed bridge will address hydraulic issues that have contributed to flooding in the surrounding area.

Construction of the Rapid Creek Bridge replacement will not happen at the same time as construction of the I-15 corridor. The business loop will remain open during I-15 construction.

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Existing aging bridge over Rapid Creek.

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Map showing location of Rapid Creep Bridge proposed replacement.



Summer / Fall 2020

  • Share information about projects/gather input from citizens and stakeholders
  • Prepare initial design for Inkom UPRR and Inkom Main projects

Winter / Spring 2021

  • Refine final design for Inkom Main and Inkom UPRR
  • Share design plans and projects update with citizens and stakeholders

Fall 2021

  • Complete final design for Inkom Main and Inkom UPRR

Fall 2022

  • Complete final design for the Inkom East and West Interchanges

Spring/Summer 2025

  • Begin I-15 construction

Fall/Winter 2026

  • Complete I-15 construction

Stay Involved

ITD will use public input from this online meeting to develop and refine the design of these projects and will continue to work closely with the community and stakeholders.

ITD will host another meeting in the future during the final design phase of these improvements. You will receive future notification as the project moves forward.

Contact us

If you have questions please contact the project team:

Email: Megan.stark@itd.idaho.gov

Web: itdprojects.org/projects/i15inkom/

Share your thoughts

Comments can be submitted via the comment form within this online meeting or mailed to:

Megan Stark
ITD District 5

5151 S. 5th Ave
Pocatello, ID 83204

Comments due by September 22, 2020

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