Mobility Choice Blueprint

Which Mile High Traveler are you?

What Your Lifestyle & Mobility Choices Say About Your Personality

Why is this Quiz Unique? High-Five to you!

5 minutes of your time will help shape the future of mobility in the Denver Metro Area.

What matters most to your quality of life?

Choose your top 3 from the options below

Choose your bottom 3 from the options below

What is your Zip Code

I would rather...


When my neighborhood needs improvements:

When traveling around the city, I would prefer to (choose two below):

When new technology comes out:

In 10 years, I will move around the city by (choose three below):

I can navigate the local train and bus network:

My transportation choices are based on the following factors. You will rank seven factors in order with 1 being most relevant and 7 being least relevant.

My #1 choice:
My #2 choice:
My #3 choice:
My #4 choice:
My #5 choice:
My #6 choice:
My #7 choice: