Environmental Review

The Paradise Sewer Project is currently in the environmental review phase, wherein the Town of Paradise is preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to analyze the potential environmental impacts of constructing and operating a sewer connection from the Town to the City of Chico Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). The EIR will include an evaluation of resource topics as prescribed by CEQA Guidelines.

The Town welcomes public input throughout the environmental process in addition to formal public comment periods. Make sure to visit the Public Engagement page to stay updated and the Contact page to submit a comment or ask a question.

CEQA Process

The Town, which is serving as the state lead agency pursuant to CEQA, is preparing an EIR to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of construction and operation of the Paradise Sewer Project. The CEQA process steps are described below.

Notice of Preparation (NOP) of EIR


NOP is published with the State Clearinghouse through the California Office of Planning and Research.

Advertisement is placed within local/regional newspapers to alert the public of Environmental Process kick-off and initiation of development of the environmental document.

Public notice mailer is distributed to promote the NOP/Scoping Period and public comment opportunities.

Scoping & Minimum 30-Day Public Comment Period – Public Scoping Meeting

Public Engagement Opportunity

This is an early step in the CEQA process, allowing the interested public to provide input into the project and environmental scope during the public comment period.

A Public Scoping meeting is held to share information and seek input.

Draft EIR Development


A Draft EIR is prepared that highlights the results of the project's alternatives analysis and environmental impacts as well as identifies mitigation measures.

Draft EIR Minimum 30-Day Circulation for Public/Agency Review & Comment – Public Meeting

Public Engagement Opportunity

A Notice of Completion (NOC) is published with the State Clearinghouse through the California Office of Planning and Research.

A notice of availability of the Draft EIR is placed within local and regional newspapers.

Public notice mailer is distributed to promote the Draft EIR and public comment period.

The Draft EIR is circulated electronically by the California Office of Planning and Research, and through the project website. A copy of the Draft EIR is available at the County Clerk’s office and local library. The Draft EIR may otherwise be housed at key community repositories and distributed to partner agencies for review and comments submission within the formal public comment period. Open to input on preferred locations for hardcopies of the Draft EIR.

A public meeting is held during the public review and comment period to share the Draft EIR and seek formal input through a number of mediums including, but not limited to, letters, emails, website submission, comment cards and court reporter transcripts.

Final EIR, Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program


Preparation and certification of the Final EIR. All comments received during the Public Comment Period are included and addressed within the Final EIR.

Responses to comments received during the Draft EIR public comment period are provided in the Final EIR.

Preparation of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program including all mitigation measures committed to by the Town along with the timeframe of implementation, the responsible party and any reporting requirements.

Decision/Notice of Determination – Public Hearing

Public Engagement Opportunity

Town Council meeting is held to allow the Town to hear Public Testimony and take action on the Final EIR. The public is invited to join and participate in this meeting.

Within five days of the Town Council vote, a Notice of Determination (NOD) is published with the State Clearinghouse through the California Office of Planning and Research.

Formal public notice of the Final EIR availability is placed in local and regional newspapers.

Environmental Key Activities

The following activities are included in preparation of the EIR:

Environmental data collection & field surveys

Preparation of technical studies and analyses*

Development of Draft EIR

Public review of Draft EIR

Response to public comments in Final EIR

Preparation of Final EIR

Local and regional community stakeholders, as well as the general public, play key roles in the environmental planning process through ongoing participation and by providing timely and formal input at critical public comment periods within the environmental process. This valuable engagement helps to identify and address key concerns, issues, and potential impacts in order to develop a project that best meets the needs of the community.

* Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions modeling; biological resources survey and studies; cultural resources survey; and evaluation of technical resources prescribed as part of Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines